Andrea Dejana

Born in Perugia on 7th September 1965.

Since he was young he dedicated himself to drawing and painting, demonstrating a clear artistic sensitivity which was enhanced and made significant through the teachings of his father Augusto who was a first-class painter and spatula artist.

A self-taught artist he attended a spatula course run by the Argentinian painter Luis Napoli and subsequent courses at the Didaskalia centre in Perugia.

From 1989 to 1993 he pursued painting work experience in the United States (New York and New Orleans).
This experience played an instrumental role in the formation of his artistic thought and his poetics.

Far from real and iconographic representations, Dejana reveals a distinct and clear tendency for the ancestors of pop art, with clear reference to the American cultural-artistic background.
The artist demonstrates his full capacity to express himself outside of any traditional rules, proposing a dynamic and instinctive idea of art, where there isn’t room for rationally preset norms or programmes.

His work is charaterised by a sort of “vital realism” with his clear references transforming everyday reality, effectively revised, in a personal and original style, sensitive like for all new formal aesthetics and perspectives.

Confirming an artistic sensibility which always experiments with new horizons, in the context of a poetry which gives life to a kind of abstract expressionism, there are the numerous exhibitions which Dejana has realised in Italy and abroad.